There’s nothing better than a good book! For me, there’s also nothing better than writing from my desk overlooking my heavenly yard on a hill.
I write (and teach) about the interface of nutritional science and yoga spirit. So far I have three book offerings (two are collaborations) and a professional CE course for nutritionists. Enjoy, and please leave an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads and elsewhere.
Read on, friends!
SacredYoga Therapy
The Future of Sacred Yoga Therapy: Combining Science with the Sacred Roots of Yoga, Both in Personal Practice and as Integrative Medicine
The Future of Sacred Yoga Therapy [Ritz Books, April 2024] is a glimpse behind the curtain of holistic health and wellness in your life and professional workplace. Educate and empower yourself with yoga therapy’s preventative approaches for improving physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Written by 5 certified IAYT Yoga Therapists, the authors present expert guidance, stories of growth, and share their journeys into integrative healthcare through Yoga Therapy. 100% of this book’s paperback royalties are being donated to the non-profit: The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT).
I’m touched to have contributed a chapter entitled:
Integrating Soul-in-Medicine with Your Yoga Therapy Path
Read my perspective on why we ‘do yoga’ and how choosing to live an examined life can help you navigate life’s challenges. By finding solace in the solitude of daily practice, I hear guiding questions to lead life forward. I hope it inspires your journey.
The Sacred Series
The Sacred Series:
Sacred Spiritual Light Leaders
The Sacred Series [Ritz Books, April 2024] are three collaboratively developed books on three fascinating topics. Together, they provide a beautiful tapestry of wise and unique voices coming together in support of the naked truth, cosmic intelligence, and the divine love of self.

For Help with Looming Medical Issues
Beautifully illustrated books! Lots of great info & the yoga experience has been wonderful! Definately recommend this book! I’ve found my teacher.
Yoga and Diabetes: Your Guide to a Safe and Effective Practice
Yoga & Diabetes [American Diabetes Association, June 2015] is an accessible guide for individuals with diabetes who are interested in beginning or deepening a yoga practice. It provides tailored guidance to people with type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes, and features 30 yoga postures and breathing exercises arranged into programs to suit every person’s individual needs.
“There are no prescriptions I can write with as much potential to transform quality of life for anyone with diabetes.” – Mark C. Pettus, MD, Author of The Savvy Patient

“… a great book to start off the New Year. I learned a lot about myself while I was reading it and answering the questions that were put there for introspection….I really enjoyed an exercise that she included that is titled: “Steps to Successful Lifestyle Manifestation.” I highly recommend that the reader completes this exercise. I really look forward to the positive changes that I see happening from reading “Every Bite is Divine.”
Every Bite Is Divine: The Balanced Approach to Enjoying Eating, Feeling Healthy and Happy, and Getting to a Weight that’s Natural for You
Every Bite Is Divine [Life Arts Press, February 2007] Inspires readers to find peace in the war on weight with yoga and sensible nutrition. We each have a perfect natural weight and shape. By remembering how to care for ourselves lovingly, we allow ourselves to gracefully create our own unique and healthy body. Extreme crash diets are not in this picture. Through yoga and other methods of relaxation and rediscovering our personal self-care basics, we can find our true self. We can enjoy life – including eating as we love to – and reach a healthy contentment with our own reality even if it doesn’t match the picture popular culture sells.
- Award winning finalist – Ben Franklin Awards, self-help category
- Award winning finalist – Nautilus Awards for books on conscious living and positive social change
- Award winning finalist – USA Books, health

For Nutrition Professionals
Yoga and Meditation: Tools for Weight Management
A book-length Continuing Education program for nutrition professionals.
This course reviews the science of the principles presented in Every Bite Is Divine, along with specific ideas on using yoga and meditation in your existing professional practice, with case studies. Third Edition, 2018.
Order a copy of Yoga & Meditation – Tools for Weight Management.
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