Edible Flowers: Nature’s Colorful Delicacies

Edible Flowers: Nature’s Colorful Delicacies

My garden’s filled with edible flowers and herbs, and when it starts to go off, my salads and dishes explode in technicolor! Edible flowers aren’t, however, just a colorful addition to your plate; they’re a vibrant, nutrient-rich ingredient that has been used for centuries around the world. Beyond their fragrant and aesthetic appeal, edible flowers offer nutritional benefits. 

This post explores the world of edible flowers, delving into their health benefits, identifying specific flowers you can incorporate into your meals, offering tips on how to gather them safely, and culinary tips to elevate your dishes.

Health Benefits

Edible flowers are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are some key benefits they offer:

edible flowers are…Rich in Antioxidants

Many edible flowers, such as marigolds and nasturtiums, are high in antioxidants, which help combat free radicals in the body and reduce oxidative stress.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Flowers like calendula and chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and soothe various ailments.

Vitamin Boost

Edible flowers such as hibiscus and rose petals are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin, boosting the immune system, and improving overall health.

Digestive Health

Flowers like dandelions and lavender can aid digestion. Dandelions act as a mild laxative, while lavender helps reduce bloating and gas.

Calming Effects

Chamomile and lavender are well-known for their calming effects, making them excellent for reducing anxiety and promoting better sleep.

10 Common Edible Flowers

  1. Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus)

    • Flavor: Peppery, similar to watercress
    • Health Benefits: High in vitamin C and antioxidants
    • Uses: Salads, garnishes, stuffed flowers
  1. Marigolds (Tagetes spp.)

    • Flavor: Citrusy and slightly bitter
    • Health Benefits: Contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health
    • Uses: Soups, rice dishes, as a natural food dye
  2. Pansies (Viola tricolor)

    1. Flavor: Mildly sweet to slightly grassy
    2. Health Benefits: Anti-inflammatory and rich in vitamins A and C
    3. Uses: Salads, desserts, as decorative garnishes
  3. Borage (Borago officinalis)

    1. Flavor: Cucumber-like
    2. Health Benefits: High in omega-6 fatty acids and acts as a diuretic
    3. Uses: Salads, beverages, soups
  4. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

    1. Flavor: Sweet, floral, with hints of mint and citrus
    2. Health Benefits: Calming properties, aids in digestion and sleep
    3. Uses: Desserts, teas, savory dishes
  5. Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa)

    1. Flavor: Tart and cranberry-like
    2. Health Benefits: High in vitamin C, aids in lowering blood pressure
    3. Uses: Teas, jams, sauces
  6. Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale)

    1. Flavor: Sweet, honey-like
    2. Health Benefits: Diuretic, aids digestion, rich in vitamins A and C
    3. Uses: Salads, soups, teas
  7. Rose Petals (Rosa spp.)

    1. Flavor: Sweet, perfumed
    2. Health Benefits: Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, aids in digestion
    3. Uses: Desserts, syrups, salads
  8. Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

    1. Flavor: Peppery, tangy
    2. Health Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties
    3. Uses: Salads, soups, as a saffron substitute
  9. Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

    1. Flavor: Sweet, apple-like
    2. Health Benefits: Calming effects, aids in digestion
    3. Uses: Teas, desserts, as a garnish

How to Gather Safely

Gathering edible flowers requires care and knowledge to ensure they are safe to consume. Here are a few tips to help support a pleasant edible flower experience: 

  1. Identify Correctly: Make sure to correctly identify the flower. Use reliable guides or consult with an expert to avoid consuming toxic flowers.
  2. Organic Sources: Always gather flowers from organic sources, free from pesticides and chemicals. Avoid roadside or industrial area flowers.
  3. Time of Harvest: Pick flowers in the morning after the dew has evaporated but before the sun is too strong, as this is when their flavor is most concentrated.
  4. Healthy Specimens: Choose flowers that are healthy and free from spots, molds, or pests
  5. Preparation: Rinse flowers gently under cold water to remove dirt and small creepy crawling insects. Pat them dry with a paper towel before use.

Culinary Tips for Using Edible Flowers

Incorporating edible flowers into your cooking is a sensory joy – they smell great and are just gorgeous. Here are some tips and ideas to inspire & get you started:

  1. Salads: Add fresh, colorful petals to salads for a burst of color and flavor. Nasturtiums, pansies, and calendula work well.
  2. Desserts: Use flowers like lavender and rose petals to infuse syrups, creams, and baked goods with floral notes.
  3. Teas and Infusions: Brew flowers such as chamomile, hibiscus, and lavender for soothing herbal teas. Fresh or dried petals can be used.
  4. Garnishes: Decorate cakes, pastries, and cocktails with vibrant, edible flowers like violas and borage for a stunning presentation.
  5. Herbal Butters and Oils: Mix finely chopped petals of flowers like chive blossoms or marigolds into butter or oils for a unique flavor twist.
  6. Candied Flowers: Preserve the beauty of flowers like violets and rose petals by candying them with egg white and sugar, perfect for decorating desserts.
  7. Soups and Stews: Add flowers such as calendula or marigold towards the end of cooking for an extra layer of flavor and color.
  8. Jams and Jellies: Incorporate petals from flowers like dandelions and roses into homemade jams and jellies for a unique taste.
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Edible flowers are a nutritious way to enhance your meals. From their diverse health benefits to their stunning aesthetics, they are a versatile ingredient worth exploring. By identifying the right flowers, gathering them safely, and using creative culinary techniques, you can elevate your dishes and enjoy the  benefits these blossoms provide. So, next time you’re planning a meal, consider adding a touch of nature’s elegance with edible flowers.

In this blog post, we’ve covered the health benefits, specific types of edible flowers, safe gathering practices, and culinary tips to help you incorporate these delicate delights into your diet. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a novice in the kitchen, edible flowers can add a new dimension to your culinary adventures, enriching both your palate and your health. Enjoy! 


Edible Flowers: Antioxidant Compounds and Their Functional Properties
This review explores the antioxidant compounds found in edible flowers, emphasizing their bioactive profiles and potential health benefits. It discusses the phenolic compounds, flavonoids, carotenoids, and other antioxidants that contribute to the health-promoting properties of edible flowers.
Prabawati, N.B., Oktavirina, V., Palma, M., & Setyaningsih, W. (2021). Horticulturae, 7(4), 66.

Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Properties of Edible Flowers
This study compiles data on the chemical composition and antioxidant properties of over 200 edible flowers, detailing their phenolic content, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity. The research highlights the significant health benefits these phytochemicals provide, particularly in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Kandylis, P. (2022). Applied Sciences, 12(19), 9937.

Edible Flowers Used in Some Countries of the Mediterranean Basin: An Ethnobotanical Overview

This review looks at edible flowers in Mediterranean countries, where they are widely used. MottiR, PauraB et al. Plants. 2022 Nov 28;11(23):3272. doi: 10.3390/plants11233272.

Grapefruit & Citrus: Bright Balancers

Grapefruit & Citrus: Bright Balancers

Grapefruit & Citrus are bright balancers that have a uniquely sunny spot in your culinary and nutrition worlds. Their acidic flavor and vitamin C-packed composition add health to your diet and to every dish they touch.

A squeeze of lemon on a piece of fish. The lime in your favorite guacamole recipe. Citrus are bright beams of light, balancing flavors while dispensing important nutrients. They come by it naturally!

Nutritional & Health Benefits of Grapefruit

Vitamin C, Antioxidants & more

Grapefruit is renowned for its high Vitamin C content. This essential nutrient is not just about warding off colds; it’s a powerful antioxidant that plays a crucial role in your body’s balance by helping to remove excess free radicals. Free radicals, a natural byproduct of metabolism, can in excess damage cells and tissue, so contribute to aging and various health issues.

Lifestyle choices play a role in your free radical-antioxidant balance. Excess stress, sugar, alcohol, and ultra-processed foods can create more free radicals, while a nutrient-dense whole foods lifestyle that includes antioxidant-rich herbs, fruits, spices, and vegetables helps keep a healthy balance. By incorporating grapefruit into your diet, you provide your body with a natural defense system against these potentially harmful agents.

But the story of grapefruit & citrus bright balancing health benefits doesn’t end with Vitamin C. This fruit is also packed with many other antioxidants (one study found 38!). Flavonoids, beta-carotene, lycopene and naringenin are especially rich in the pink and red varieties. These antioxidant compounds have been linked to reducing inflammation, promoting anti-fungal and anti-microbial action, improving blood sugar, improving heart health, support for mitochondria (the energy factories in our cells) and even lowering the risk of some cancers.

Grapefruit & Heart Health

Speaking of heart health, numerous studies have shown that grapefruit can have a beneficial impact. Its fiber, potassium, lycopene, Vitamin C, and choline content all contribute to heart health. One study found that consuming grapefruit regularly could reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, two significant factors in heart disease.

Awareness: Grapefruit – Medication Interactions

However, it’s crucial to be aware of grapefruit’s interactions with certain medications. This is due to a compound called furanocoumarin found in grapefruit that can affect cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme and P-glycoprotein metabolism in some medications, potentially leading to very serious health effects. More than 85 medications  (including some statins) are known to interact with grapefruit. Taking grapefruit with a statin can potentially boost the effect of that medication up to 12 times, so increasing the chances of liver or other organ damage. Here’s more on that from the FDA, and if you are on medications ask your healthcare professional about it.

Other citrus has some, but much less, interactions with medications. Orange juice, lemon juice, pomegranate juice, lime juice, and wheat grass juice have a few interactions, so check with your healthcare provider about drug-food interactions, and DON’T generally take your medications with juice. Water is better as a rule of thumb, and generally, if you have some juice a couple hours after taking your medications, the risk tends to be less.

Listening to Your Body: The Key to Enjoying Citrus

The most important lesson in your wellness journey is learning to listen to your body. Pay attention to how your body reacts to grapefruit. If you notice any discomfort or adverse reactions, it might be best to consult with a healthcare professional.

Grapefruit Seed Extract & Immunity

Moving beyond its juicy interior, grapefruit’s medicinal prowess extends to its seeds, peel and leaves. Grapefruit seed extract (GSE), derived from the seeds, pulp, and white membranes of the fruit, is touted for its antimicrobial properties. Historically, GSE has been used as a natural remedy to treat infections and boost immunity. While more research is needed to fully understand its efficacy, early studies show promise in GSE’s ability to combat a wide range of bacteria and fungi.

In this light, grapefruit & citrus bright balancers aren’t just fruit; they’re a testament to the wonders of nature, blending deliciousness with health benefits. Its story is a reminder of how traditional practices and modern science can come together, offering us tools to enhance our health and well-being.

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Grapefruit Folklore & Metaphysics

Growing up, I always found something magical about grapefruits. They appeared in the winter around the holidays when local fresh fruit was just not available. Their vibrant color and invigorating aroma hinted at something beyond their tangy taste. Sure enough, grapefruit has a role in folklore and metaphysics, a world where tradition and energy intertwine with the physical aspects of this balancing fruit.

Grapefruit & citrus: A Global Perspective

In many cultures around the world, citrus fruits, especially grapefruits, have held a special place in folklore. In the sunny groves of the Mediterranean, grapefruits were often considered symbols of prosperity and fertility. Their bright color and round shape were reminiscent of the sun, embodying vitality and life.

Moving across the globe, citrus fruits, including grapefruits, play significant roles in cultural ceremonies. For instance, during Lunar New Year celebrations in China, citrus fruits are common gifts, symbolizing good luck and fortune. Similarly, in many parts of the world, citrus fruits are used in festive decorations, their bright colors and fresh scents adding to the celebratory atmosphere.

Grapefruit in Herbalism & Home Remedies

In herbalism, grapefruit has a long-standing reputation. Herbalists from various traditions have used grapefruit seed extract as a natural remedy for its purported antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties. Though these uses are more anecdotal than scientifically proven, they speak to the deep-rooted belief in grapefruit’s healing powers.

My own exploration into herbalism introduced me to intriguing uses of grapefruit. In some communities, grapefruit peels are dried and used in teas as a remedy for coughs or colds, leveraging their high vitamin C content and essential oils. Others have shared with me their use of grapefruit peel infusions in baths for their refreshing and skin-toning properties. I have used grapefruit essential oil as a clean refreshing fragrance in my humidifier. 

Metaphysics of Grapefruit

Citrus Aromatherapy: Uplifting the Spirit

Now, let’s delve into the metaphysical realm. Aromatherapy has long used citrus scents, particularly grapefruit, for their uplifting and energizing properties. It’s no coincidence that I loved the refreshing smell of grapefruit in the air; grapefruit’s aroma has long been believed to help dispel mental fatigue and induce positive feelings.

Grapefruit & Chakra Balancing

In the practice of energy work and chakra balancing, grapefruit holds a special place. Its vibrant energy is said to resonate with the third chakra – the bright city of jewels (Manipura) – or solar plexus chakra, the energy center associated with confidence and self-empowerment. By incorporating grapefruit into my meditation and energy practices, I’ve found a greater sense of balance and inner strength.

Custom flower essence package

The Ayurvedic Angle: Citrus and Body Harmony

When I first began my study of the world of Ayurveda, I was fascinated by how this ancient system of medicine viewed food not just as nourishment, but as an energetic key to balancing the body and mind. Citrus fruits, and particularly grapefruit, have unique qualities in Ayurveda that can harmonize our inner energies.

Understanding Citrus in Ayurveda

Ayurveda, a holistic healing system that originated in India over 5,000 years ago, classifies foods based on their elemental properties and effects on the body’s doshas (energy types) – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Citrus fruits, with their refreshing and cleansing properties, are often used to balance these energies.

Grapefruit, with its sour and slightly bitter taste, is considered particularly beneficial in Ayurveda. It’s believed to aid digestion, stimulate the metabolism, and help detoxify the body. For someone with a Kapha constitution like me, prone to sluggishness and congestion, the invigorating nature of grapefruit is a blessing.

The Significance of Taste: Sour and Bitter in Ayurvedic Diet

In Ayurveda, taste (Rasa) is a critical aspect of diet and nutrition. The six tastes – sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent – each have their effects on the doshas. Sour and bitter, two predominant tastes in grapefruit, have action.

Sour taste, found abundantly in grapefruit, is known to stimulate appetite, aid digestion, and energize the body. It’s particularly beneficial for Vata and Kapha individuals, helping to balance their earthier, cooler nature. However, it should be consumed in moderation by Pitta types, who already have plenty of internal ‘fire’.

Integrating Grapefruit & Citrus into Your Daily Life

Embracing the zesty world of grapefruits and their citrus cousins can be a delightful and healthful addition to your daily routine. My journey with these fruits has taught me that their benefits extend beyond their nutritional value; they are powerful allies for wellness and balance.

Tips for Including Citrus

Incorporating grapefruit into your daily life doesn’t have to be complicated.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Morning Ritual: Start your day with a glass of warm water infused with fresh grapefruit juice. This not only hydrates you but also kickstarts your metabolism.
  2. Snack Smart: Replace processed snacks with a bowl of fresh grapefruit slices. It’s refreshing, hydrating, and packed with nutrients.
  3. Citrus Dressings: Add a zing to your salads with grapefruit-based dressings. Mix grapefruit juice, olive oil, a hint of honey, and your favorite herbs for a tangy dressing.

Simple Recipes: From Breakfast to Dinner

  • Breakfast: Grapefruit Avocado Toast – Top whole-grain bread with mashed avocado, grapefruit segments, a sprinkle of sea salt, and a dash of cayenne pepper.
  • Dinner: Citrus-Herb Roasted Chicken – Marinate chicken with grapefruit juice, garlic, rosemary, and thyme. Yum!

Culinary Tips

  • When cooking with grapefruit, balance its sourness with a touch of sweetness or a creamy element.
  • Use grapefruit zest to add a burst of citrus flavor to baked goods or as a garnish.

DIY Citrus Infusions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating your own citrus infusions is both fun and beneficial. Here’s a simple way to make a grapefruit infusion:

  1. Ingredients: Sliced grapefruit, fresh herbs (like mint or rosemary), water.
  2. Method: In a large pitcher, combine the grapefruit slices and herbs. Fill with water.
  3. Infuse: Let it sit for a few hours or overnight in the refrigerator.
  4. Enjoy: Serve chilled for a refreshing and hydrating drink.

Listening to Your Body: The Key to Enjoying Citrus

The most important lesson in your wellness journey is learning to listen to your body. Pay attention to how your body reacts to grapefruit. If you notice any discomfort or adverse reactions, it might be best to consult with a healthcare professional.

High-Quality Grapefruit & Citrus Products

Feeling like a little grapefruit skincare, or a supplement bursting with citrus nutrients? I’ve got you covered – here is my list of goodies – supplements and personal care products to bring a little citrus into your life. 

Fullscript is a high-quality online formulary that carries nutritional supplements and personal care products. If you have or set up an account through me, you’ll get 25% off everything, and free shipping if you order more than $50. 

I’m an affiliate with Fullscript, so if you do purchase through my account, I receive a small commission. 

Deepening Your Connection: Grapefruit as a Plant Initiation Ally

What’s a Plant Initiation?

Plant initiation is an ancient practice that involves forming a deep, spiritual connection with a plant to understand its essence and benefits on a deeper level. This practice emphasizes the significance of plants in our journey of self-discovery and connection with nature.

Grapefruit in Plant Initiation

Grapefruit, with its bold flavor vibrant energy, and support for the 3rd chakra, is an excellent ally for plant initiation. By mindfully bringing grapefruit into your body in several ways, meditating with its essence, and using its essential oils, you can deepen your connection to this powerful strength-giving fruit.

My own experience of this powerful plant – feeling its texture, inhaling its aroma, slowly savoring its flavor, and feeling the support of its energizing strength – brought a heightened awareness of just how much its properties provide my body and spirit. In this shamanic practice, plants give you advice! This mindful engagement opened up a profound dimension in my relationship with grapefruit, one that transcends the physical and ventures into the spiritual.

Plant Initiation Weekend with Annie B Kay

Grapefruit & Citrus: Bright Balancers

You’ve now explored the rich tapestry of special fruit where science, tradition, and personal experience intertwine, each thread adding depth and color to our understanding.

The Fusion of Science, Tradition, and Your Personal Experience

From the very first zesty burst of grapefruit on your palate to the deeper understanding of its role in folklore, metaphysics, and Ayurveda, this journey is enlightening. You’ve seen how science validates the health benefits of grapefruit – its role in heart health, its wealth of vitamin C and antioxidants, and the intriguing research on citrus flavonoids. But beyond the laboratory and clinical studies, you’ve delved into the rich heritage of grapefruit in traditional remedies and cultural practices, where it’s more than just a fruit – it’s a symbol, a healing agent, and a part of life’s celebrations.

Your personal experiments and experiences with grapefruit, whether it’s starting your day with refreshing grapefruit-infused water or exploring its use in energy work, can deepened your connection with this citrus wonder. It’s these personal touches, the little experiments and mindful moments, that truly bring the science and tradition to life.

Embrace Grapefruit & Citrus in Your Path to Wellness

I encourage you to explore the world of grapefruit and citrus in your way. Whether it’s incorporating these fruits into your diet, using them in home remedies, or simply enjoying their refreshing aroma, there’s a multitude of ways to embrace their benefits. Remember, the path to wellness is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. It’s about finding joy in the small things, like the tart taste of grapefruit on a summer morning, and the peace in the rituals, like preparing citrus-infused water for the day ahead.

Embrace grapefruit not just as a food, but as a companion on your wellness journey. Let it inspire you to explore, experiment, and connect with the world around you in new and meaningful ways. Most importantly, let it remind you of the beauty in blending the wisdom of tradition with the insights of science, all woven together by your unique personal experiences.

Please remember that the journey doesn’t end here. Each grapefruit you peel, each slice savored, is a step further on your path to wellness. So, go forth with zest and enthusiasm, and let your health and life’s journey of savoring continue.


Pollicino F, Veronese N et al. Mediterranean diet and mitochondria: New findings. Experimental Gerontology 176 (2023) 112165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exger.2023.112165

Duda-Madej, Anna, et al. “Naringenin and Its Derivatives—Health-Promoting Phytobiotic against Resistant Bacteria and Fungi in Humans.” Antibiotics, vol. 11, no. 11, 15 Nov. 2022, p. 1628, https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics11111628

Gandhi, Gopalsamy Rajiv, et al. “Citrus Flavonoids as Promising Phytochemicals Targeting Diabetes and Related Complications: A Systematic Review of in Vitro and in Vivo Studies.” Nutrients, vol. 12, no. 10, 23 Sept. 2020, p. 2907, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7598193/, https://doi.org/10.3390/nu12102907.

Sánchez Macarro, Maravillas, et al. “Effect of a Combination of Citrus Flavones and Flavanones and Olive Polyphenols for the Reduction of Cardiovascular Disease Risk: An Exploratory Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study in Healthy Subjects.” Nutrients, vol. 12, no. 5, 19 May 2020, p. 1475, https://doi.org/10.3390/nu12051475.
Ashwagandha Sesame Oil

Ashwagandha Sesame Oil

Ashwagandha Sesame Oil by Annie B Kay - anniebkay.com
Tis the season to begin to think about making my fall batch of Ashwagnada sesame oil to warm our way through the fall.
Bows to my colleagues in the Kripalu School of Ayurveda (KSA). Several years ago I got to sit in on part of their training for Ayurveda Health Counselors and got a lovely intro to the Ayurveda way of herbs from Rosie Mann and the KSA faculty.
My husband and I both love this oil, and he has noticed how it is soothing and quiets his mind like it did mine the first time I practiced abhyanga (Ayurvedic oil self-massage) with it during my training. It does have a musky manly scent in sesame oil. We rub it on our feet at bedtime, and more widely when our minds get chattering too incessantly and we have time to relax (it can be a sedative, so I haven’t tried it on a workday yet).


Ashwagandha is a root used in a number of Ayurvedic preparations. It’s a little famous for its aphrodisiac properties, but it is also calming and strengthening (ashwagandha means horse-smell in Sanskrit, after the musky scent of the root itself). Vata-pacifying, it is great for both my husband and I as we enter our hopefully wise Vata years of life.

Ashwagandha Sesame Oil Recipe


  • 1/2 cup dried ashwagandha root
  • 8 cups filtered water
  • 2 cups organic sesame oil


IMG_0887You will need a strainer and cheesecloth, as well as a medium-large saucepan and a container for the oil.
1. Gather all ingredients and bless them. I say a little prayer over them like the one my teacher Pam taught me, then ask the root to bless us with its healing gifts.
2. Pour water into the saucepan, and add ashwagandha root. Gently stir clockwise (only clockwise) with a wooden spoon or whisk.
3. Heat medium-low until reduced to 2 cups. This takes 2-3 hours. There is a point where the ashwagandha will thicken into the fluid – the texture will shift.
I like to let my botanical concoctions spend some time on the alter. Prayers, alters, it is all about infusing what I am making with love and intentions.
IMG_09274. Rinse saucepan. Strain the fluid through a sieve, then strain several additional times through a cheesecloth until you have a thick fluid.
5. Pour this mixture back into the saucepan, and add sesame oil. Heat at low-medium, occasionally gently stirring clockwise. Again, you will see the oil change as it absorbs the ashwagandha root. I found it became richer and a smidgen cloudy (but, if I had strained more thoroughly it may be more rich yet clear)…the batch I have from the experts is more clear.
6. Once you see the oil change (this took about an hour), let it cool, then strain the oil off of the remaining root-water, into a clean glass jar.
7. Enjoy as a daily oil massage (I would do a test on the weekend!), or rub on your feet and/or top of your head before bed.
Ashwagandha Sesame Oil by Annie B Kay - anniebkay.com


Hail Tulsi – Green Mahadevi

Hail Tulsi – Green Mahadevi

Hail Tulsi - Green Mahadevi by Annie B Kay - anniebkay.com
My garden right now is filled with the sweet green goddess known as tulsi.
Tulsi is a type of basil that originated in India. There are several types, like sisters in a family. If you ‘do yoga’, love botanicals, AND you haven’t met tulsi yet, I’m happy for you. Your future includes meeting one of the most sweetly powerful and healing herbs in the canon. I have great sisterhood with this plant and feel that I am introducing you to one of my coolest and best friends. When I refer to her, I am referring to the big T – the green goddess herself – tulsi.
A distinguishing feature of tulsi is its fragrance – it’s rich, buttery and flowery with an undertone of funk. Tulsi (which translates as “incomparable one” in Sanskrit) occupies an auspicious place in yogic/Ayurvedic tradition. It is thought to be an embodiment of the goddess Lakshmi, she of abundant good fortune, of being held in esteem in a community, and of generosity. In India, many homes have a tulsi plant at their doorstep, and women (and I’m sure men) have a tulsi plant near their bed so that the gentle breeze carries the scent of tulsi to them as they sleep, bestowing them with ageless beauty.

In the Garden

Much like the goddess, my tulsi seems to have a mind of her own. She goes where she wants, comes up really late (late June this year – thank goodness I held her space!). I have not been successful at growing her from seed so that I can get a jump on the season – nope, not how she’d prefer to roll. Yet, tulsi comes rolling back, year after year in her own preferred manner my garden. I often smell tulsi and then oh, there’s a plant popping up amongst the roses or corn.
I never needed tulsi seeds, though I’ve purchased many packets. My original tulsi plant came to me auspiciously – from Sweetwater Sanctuary in VT. Pam Montgomery gave me and my fellow apprentices plants (in 2013), and mine has happily multiplied into tulsiville.

Culinary & Preserving

I’ve tried for years to make a good oil infusion of tulsi but have been only modestly successful at capturing that unique fragrance in oil. Drying, I find, works best for me. I’ll then drink it as tea through the cooler months. If I have a gathering of gal herbalists I may attempt herbalist Brittany Wood Nickerson’s yellow cake which she served once incorporating dried tulsi….magnificent. She’s just come out with a cookbook filled with scrumptious herbal fare, but the way, which I strongly recommend.
You can also make a pesto with tulsi.
To dry tulsi or any herb (I have mugwort, cilantro, lemon balm and mint drying now), gather a bunch of it, tie it into a bundle at the stem, and hang in a place that will be warm and dry. Attics are great if they are reasonably well ventilated, and you can find a place to hang your crop. After a couple dry weeks (challenging this year), cut the bundle down. For plants that I intend to use as a tea of spices, I pull the dry leaves off the stem and place them in glass jars. Between Mason and jelly jars, you have a jar for any quantity of herb.

Medicinal & Energetic

From a Western medical perspective, tulsi is an adaptogen and has been studied for a variety of uses. Adaptogenic activity means that, like ginseng, it contains a complex array of phytonutrients that act in different ways but tend to overall support homeostasis – or healthful balance. So, tulsi tea is a terrific drink through the fall when back-to-whatever stress and cool winds conspire to give us colds and other crud.
Energetically, I’ve done a number of shamanic journeys with tulsi and here’s what I learned. Tulsi embodies all the goddesses of tantra – she’s Lakshmi, Deva, and yes Kali and all the rest – all rolled into one. She just might be the MahaDevi – the mother goddess. This is my own perspective colored, no doubt by my study of the goddesses of tantra. I know and love them, and draw on them often. In my study, these goddesses represent parts of ourselves (even if you are a man – we each contain both divine masculine and feminine within us). So, interestingly, I’ve found tulsi is energetically adaptogenic as well. From my discussions with other herbalists in my tradition who work energetically with plants, my view is not unique.
You can increasingly find tulsi plants and seed at your local garden shop. If not, try Mountain Rose Herbal or Horizon Herbs.
Have a beautiful day.
Hail Tulsi - Green Mahadevi by Annie B Kay - anniebkay.com


Elderberry Syrup Recipe

Elderberry Syrup Recipe


Deep purple elderberry beauty

Deep purple elder-beauty

Updated 12/13/2023

I’ve been a smidgen obsessed with elderberry this year and it has heard my prayer. Not only did my husband gift me a beautiful elderberry bush for our yard, but a neighbor with a gorgeous mature bush gave us the green light to enjoy some of his bounty. So, I’ve been up to my elbows in elderberry.

Give yourself time to rinse and remove stems

Give yourself time to rinse & remove stems

Elderberry is a folk medicine immune supporter, and even today you can find it in commercial cough syrup and lozenges. Clinical trials suggest that it reduces the duration of the flu, and it may have antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. From a plant-spirit energetic perspective, elder aids with journey work (such as shamanic visioning) and is, simply, an elder filled with primordial wisdom.

Most elderberry syrup recipes call for about 2/3 cup of berries for a season’s supply of syrup. Well, because I had a bucketful, mine is a little stronger! It’s delicious and rich. In the literature there are warnings about elderberry irritating the gut if taken raw and/or in excess, so you can overdo it! I intend to take 1 tsp daily for 3-5 days at the first sign of cold or flu.

Give yourself a couple of hours to make this start to finish. This recipe made about 6 cups of syrup.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe


In addition to a large pot for cooking and processing, you will need a strainer or jelly bag, and containers for your syrup – I used jelly jars and processed them as if I were making jelly to give nicely sealed jars for gifts, and also kept a batch in a larger unsealed jar in the fridge to be used over the next 3 months by my family and me.
Jelly jars come with glass jars, a flat sealing lid, and a ring that twists over the sealing lid to keep it on the jar.


  • 8 cups elderberry, washed and stems removed
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
  • 5 whole cloves
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon, ground
  • 1 cup honey
  • 1-2 tsp pectin


Full bedlam making elderberry syrup

Full bedlam-making elderberry syrup

  • Place berries, spices, ginger and honey in a large pot and bring to a rolling boil.
  • Stirring, add pectin and boil for another minute.
  • Lower heat to medium and simmer for 15-17 minutes.
  • Strain through jelly bag, and place into jars.

As I mentioned I used jelly jars and processed them like jelly, which entails boiling the jars (pouring hot liquid into a cold jar can make it crack) and sealing the lids. After filling the jars with syrup and topping with sealing lids, I tightened the lid rings and placed the jars upside down for about 5 minutes. This helped them seal. Once that’s done, I check to see if the jar sealed by pressing the center of the lid. If I can push the lid down and it pops up, no seal. If the lid is concave and pressing it doesn’t move it, it’s sealed. Often, lids will seal throughout the day – I can hear “pop” from the next room when a lid seals. Jars that don’t seal need to be refrigerated, and the syrup used within 3 months. I keep those that seal all season.

Making your own jelly and syrup can be a sticky mess, but I am always amazed by the wonderful smell, color, and flavor of homemade preserves. It’s a fun thing to do with family or friends who are into it. Little jars of your handcrafted goods make terrific gifts. Make sure not to give away unsealed items or you may be gifting a nice jar of something not-so-healing.
Elderberry Syrup


Herb Pesto Recipe: Wild Plant Medicine

Herb Pesto Recipe: Wild Plant Medicine


Herb Pesto Recipe Wild Plant Medicine Annie B Kay
Pesto is a base recipe for food as medicine. The herbs you use for pesto are concentrated sources of health-enhancing nutrients. Through the seasons, you can make several batches for use on cooked vegetables, grains, really anything and everything.

Pesto is also a great recipe to begin exploring a little wild plant medicine.

When I speak of wild plants, I’m talking about plants you collect from your (unsprayed with chemicals!) lawn or the edge of a forest. I’m talking about dandelion greens, garlic mustard, mugwort and the like.  Many of these wild plants are strongly flavored – I think of them as the wild game of the plant world – and just a little wild food does a human good. So, in pesto, I will mix familiar herbs like basil with a bit of the stronger wild stuff like dandelion or garlic mustard, depending upon what’s tender and not overwhelming (dandelions, for example, get more and more bitter as the season progresses).

Here is a base recipe for pesto I use and modify based on what’s available. Sometimes I use cheese, often not (I love to eat a lot of it, and cheese is not the most health-enhancing food for me, so I use just a smidgen). I can use creamy pine nuts, toasted walnuts, or sweet almonds depending on the herbs I have, the flavors I’d like to play with, and what I’m hankering for.
Here it is:

Herbal Pesto Recipe

Pesto is a base recipe for food as medicine. The herbs you use for pesto are concentrated sources of health-enhancing nutrients.
Course Dinner, Lunch, Side Dish
Keyword Basil, Herbal Water, Recipes, Plant Medicine, Pesto


  • Blender


  • 1 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 2 1/2 cups fresh leafy green herbs basil, cilantro, thyme, parsley or your favorite
  • 1/2 cup wild savory herbs garlic basil, dandelion
  • 2 garlic cloves peeled and center woody section removed
  • 1/2 cup nuts or seeds pepitas, walnuts, almonds
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • Pour oil into a blender, add garlic, nuts, and herbs in thirds and blend to that lovely pesto loose paste-like consistency.
  • Add salt.


Classic pesto contains basil and pine nuts and a half-cup of Parmesan in the above recipe. Use your imagination and what you have on hand. Variations are endless!
Remember, when it comes to wild food and botanical medicines – safety first!

Herb Pesto: Wild Plan Medicine

