All my recipes are easy.

All my recipes feature whole foods.

Keeping ingredients to their simple essence and light preparation maintains food’s health and taste.

It’s 2 pans max for me (mostly).  I test my recipes at least twice before posting. I aim to make them intuitive and foolproof – and flexible enough to easily switch in your favorite veggies and flavors.

If you try one of my recipes, please let me know how you liked it.

Thanks for checking out my easy healthy recipes and Bon appetite!


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Lunch & Dinner

Vegan Maple Pumpkin Custard Recipe

Vegan Maple Pumpkin Custard Recipe

VEGAN MAPLE PUMPKIN CUSTARD RECIPE I love this recipe for pumpkin custard! Quick, easy, tasty, healthy. Boom. My recipe was developed for the Natural Health Expo in the fall with the intention of having a healthier holiday. I wanted to make a no-bake vegan pumpkin pie...

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Spiced Lentils Recipe

Spiced Lentils Recipe

Let's talk lentils. Easy and quick to cook (20-30 minutes and don't need soaking like other beans and pulses), lentils are the short cut to more plant protein in your diet. Nutrient dense, they are also rich in fiber, folate, and other nutrients. They are low...

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Cashew Cream Recipe

Cashew Cream Recipe

Would you like a recipe that can, in one fell swoop, transition you joyfully to a more plant-based diet? Cashew cream just might be that recipe. It is a fantastic vegan substitute for dairy cream and creamy cheeses like ricotta or cream cheese. It makes a killer...

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Obey Food Rules Lightly – Lemony Kale Salad Recipe

Obey Food Rules Lightly – Lemony Kale Salad Recipe

My Ayurvedic brothers and sisters may balk at a raw lemony kale salad (though acid in lemons does “cook”) in winter, but how much I love this salad in this season reminds me that we do need to hold food rules more lightly than hard-and-fast. In Ayurveda, winter is the...

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Peanut Ginger Coconut Spread Recipe

Peanut Ginger Coconut Spread Recipe

Peanut Ginger Coconut Spread Recipe Sometimes you want something a little bit more or a little bit different than peanut butter on your apple. Here's a spread that is sweet and gingery and delicious - Peanut Ginger Coconut Spread. Use it on fruit, with raw or blanched...

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Summer Black Bean Salsa Recipe

Summer Black Bean Salsa Recipe

Summertime! While we may be having a little taste of what I call winter-summer (it has been freaking freezing this week...I remember we had a summer-winter in the Shire last year), I trust that warm weather is on the way. This is one of my favorite recipes - light,...

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Minted Snow Pea Recipe

Minted Snow Pea Recipe

Food fresh from the garden doesn't need much help to taste great and nourish you deeply. Our fresh peas often don't make it into the kitchen because we snack away right in the garden. Here's a simple recipe for snow peas with mint. Minted Snow Pea Recipe Ingredients...

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Vegan Red Lentil Stew Recipe

Vegan Red Lentil Stew Recipe

Here's a nice thick nutrient-packed vegan red lentil stew or soup for a warm winter infusion of tasty goodness. Coconut and tahini make this rich & satisfying. Vegan Red Lentil Stew Recipe Ingredients 1 large yellow onion, chopped 5-6 medium carrots, cleaned and...

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All Recipes

Cherry Turmeric Spicy Shot Recipe

Cherry Turmeric Spicy Shot Recipe

Spicy shots! I love 'em.   A couple of years ago Free Fire Cider, based on a folk recipe, popularized by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, and trademarked, with great controversy in the herbal world, but a group in WMA, had its moment in the sun. Here's my fire cider...

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Asian Slaw Recipe

Asian Slaw Recipe

Everyone should have a vegetable-based recipe or two that takes (snap!) that long, that serves as a quick meal or snack. This raw Asian slaw recipe has been a mainstay of my 3pm-give-me-carbs attack for years. It works. The heart of the recipe is savoy cabbage and...

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Wild Mustard Asparagus Soup Recipe

Wild Mustard Asparagus Soup Recipe

Please resist the temptation to spray weed-killer on your lawn as it is filled with nutrition free for the taking. Eat your "weeds" instead! Wild garlic mustard, for example, is considered an invasive weed but is also a nutrient-dense green with a spicy garlic flavor....

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Tahini Dressing Recipe

Tahini Dressing Recipe

Most commercial salad dressings, I am sorry to say, are filled with chemicals. Choose them carefully, and consider making your own. It's easier than you think. Dressings and sauces are an opportunity to perfect and balance vegetables with nutrient-dense oils,...

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Elderberry Ginger Cider Recipe

Elderberry Ginger Cider Recipe

Updated 11/30/2023 Elderberry Ginger Cider Recipe My boon of elderberry enabled me to, in addition to making tons of elderberry syrup, make elderberry ginger cider - a variation of fire cider. For this one, I relied on ginger and honey as a base and kept it simple yet...

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Roasted Vegetables – Healthy or Not Healthy?

Roasted Vegetables – Healthy or Not Healthy?

Roasting vegetables - baking them with a drizzle of olive oil until they have a toasty color and flavor - is a mainstay of my fall and winter kitchen. I give my tomatoes and onions a light roast before pureeing them into soups and sauces and love the sweet roast...

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Deliciously Easy Lentils Recipe

Deliciously Easy Lentils Recipe

If you have high cholesterol and don't want to go on medication, beans are your friends. Studies have shown that eating beans a few times weekly can help lower LDL (the blood cholesterol most closely associated with heart disease). Actually, if you want to control...

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Potato Cauliflower Mash Recipe

Potato Cauliflower Mash Recipe

Potato head? Me too. Will work for mashed potatoes. While I think white potatoes have been much maligned in the era of glycemic (the degree to which foods act like sugar) awareness, many of us will overdo them left to our own devices. Enter cauliflower, that healthy...

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Spicy Corn and Black Bean Soup Recipe

Spicy Corn and Black Bean Soup Recipe

I love black bean soup, and this recipe loves me (and you) too with nutrient dense vegetables, lime, nutmeg, pepper and chili for a touch of heat. And of course black beans, a fiber-protein power combo. This recipe makes a flavorful thick soup perfect for a snowy day....

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Ashwagandha Sesame Oil

Ashwagandha Sesame Oil

Tis the season to begin to think about making my fall batch of Ashwagnada sesame oil to warm our way through the fall. Bows to my colleagues in the Kripalu School of Ayurveda (KSA). Several years ago I got to sit in on part of their training for Ayurveda Health...

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Plant Medicine

Plant Alchemy: Energy Hygiene

Plant Alchemy: Energy Hygiene

Updated:  5/16/2023 How many of you, when you look at how I describe myself, say to yourself "What the heck is plant alchemy?" Come on now, I know you do. What Are Alchemists? Alchemists were the scientists of the 16th century. They were a fascinating lot - a little...

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Herb Pesto Recipe: Wild Plant Medicine

Herb Pesto Recipe: Wild Plant Medicine

  Pesto is a base recipe for food as medicine. The herbs you use for pesto are concentrated sources of health-enhancing nutrients. Through the seasons, you can make several batches for use on cooked vegetables, grains, really anything and everything. Pesto is...

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Save a Few Seeds

Save a Few Seeds

As the end of summer rolls around, saving a few seeds connects you with the rhythms of nature and gives you an opportunity to know more than one generation of a plant. I loved my white cosmos this year, and they can be hard to find early in the season. So, I've been...

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How to Use Herbal Preparations Safely

How to Use Herbal Preparations Safely

This month in the newsletter I wrote about putting summer's bounty by for colder months, and I also wrote a brief piece on how to use herbal preparations safely. Herbs, herbal tinctures, flower essences and other botanicals can be wonderful allies for healing, but...

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Plant Initiation Rituals

Plant Initiation Rituals

Updated May 17, 2023 Rituals add meaning to life. Over the past several years I have been participating in plant initiation rituals. They connect me more deeply and more coherently with nature than I have ever been. As I write this, the wheel of the year approaches...

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How Do You Really Feel About Nature?

How Do You Really Feel About Nature?

Last year when I went to my plant spirit teacher's retreat in Vermont, to the land of nature - outdoor showers, sleeping in bunks, and composting toilets, she asked us: How do you honor your indigenous self? After a couple days of crud, I felt her - my indigenous...

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Praise Pam Montgomery – Plant Spirit Healing

Praise Pam Montgomery – Plant Spirit Healing

This growing season (April - October) I apprenticed with herbalist and "spokesperson for the plants" Pam Montgomery. I'm so very ready to sing the praises of my teacher and what I've learned about our plant allies. It has changed my life for the better. Pam's approach...

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annie kay 5 minute breathing exercise horizontal

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