Pre-Holiday Tune-Up Coaching Session

Pre-Holiday Tune-Up Coaching Session

Something about the time between Halloween and New Years – it’s both the most challenging nutritional time of the year, and the time of year when, well, dietitians might just go on vacation. We know you’ll be looking for us come New Year’s!
That’s why I am offering a quick tune-up coaching special for October and November. During these months, you can have a session with me either by phone or zoom. It’s 22% off the usual cost for a 60-minute session with me.

Here’s a step-by-step of your Coaching Tune-up

Before the session, you’ll fill out some quick intake information to help us both think about how the holidays unfold for you and how you’d like them to unfold from a health perspective. You’ll book your appointment and off we go.
During our coaching session, we’ll review your intention, co-create a high-impact doable strategy,  brainstorm how to overcome barriers, and talk about how to think about this in a way that will help you build on your practice, strengths and success in the new year.
You can also continue the conversation with follow-up sessions – but the idea is one session, buff you up. Boom.
Sound good? Sign up now.

Holiday Health Roundup

Holiday Health Roundup

Holiday Health Roundup by Annie B Kay -
Ah, the holidays. I grew up in a large Catholic family, so Christmas was a celebration of food and board games – it was magical and fun. This time of year can be magical, filled with light and sweetness, but there’s also a bit of stress. The stress of expectation, of awkward gatherings, of being surrounded by less than healthful food. There is stress, too, in the ways life has changed since we were children.
Through the years that I’ve kept this blog, I’ve written quite a bit about the holidays – and how the heck we stay healthy during this time of year. Here is a roundup of posts that speak to moving through this season in a healthful joyful way. Enjoy!

In need of a truly extraordinary holiday gift? How about finding yourself & someone you love in paradise? There’s still room in our Costa Rica 5-day retreat – Feb 17-22.
Holiday Health Roundup by Annie B Kay -


Holiday Health Recovery

Holiday Health Recovery

Holiday Health Recovery by Annie B Kay -
How is your winter holiday unfolding? If you’ve participated enthusiastically in the bacchanal this year, it’s not too late to hop on a little holiday health recovery.
This year, I tried something that felt a little like swimming against the current – improving my level of fitness through the early winter and holidays.  I always have a special place in my heart for people who take Kripalu nutrition programs like Detox, Mindful Table/Nutrition & Cooking Immersion, or Integrative Weight Loss between Thanksgiving and the winter holidays – something about it seems brilliantly counterintuitive, but people who do take these programs later say their holidays are more mindful, less stressful and less filled with candy and rich food & drink.
My holiday fitness plan involved a “Get Fit” program at my local community center that met twice weekly until last week. Calisthenics! Running and skipping and lifting weights was the order of the day, and while I may or may not have lost a little weight (while partaking in holiday cheer), I certainly feel stronger, have more energy and feel better. I recommend launching health and fitness right before or in the middle of the holidays if that appeals to you in the least. Just keep your expectations in check. I find it manages the stress of the season, and I just feel good doing it.

Holiday health recovery ideas:

  1.  Focus on moving more. Take a walk with someone in your family or a friend, or put on your favorite music and have a disco break.
  2. Begin your sugar sabbatical (too soon? OK, you can wait till the New Year).
  3. Add good food with an extra vegetable or two.
  4. Drinking a bit more good clean warm water can move things in a good direction.
  5. Treat yourself to daily morning warm oil massage. The Ayurveda abhyanga oil massage calms and feeds frazzled nerves and is a great way to begin your recovery.

As the holiday season winds down, remember to savor the magic of this special time of year. This is the week to take stock of your hits and misses in the game that was 2016, and visioning and dreaming the year to come. May your 2017 be filled with health, happiness, and basking in the brilliant light of your own true self.
Holiday Health Recovery by Annie B Kay -
